

A psychologist is a health professional that helps you to develop as a person, both if you have a mental disorder and if not.  

In your Healthcare Provider List you can filter your query by a specialist in psychotherapy or by the specialism itself, taking as a result the list of professionals or centres that include them. Once you have located your selection, you can request your appointment.


Psycho-emotional advice service. 

Also, since you are an insured party of Adeslas, you have our medical advice service at your disposal, which includes the psycho-emotional advice service. Our psychologists are specialised in emotional release and containment and can advise and help you to resolve doubts such as: 

  • Resolution of cohabitation or family problems and problems in the employment environment. 
  • Imbalance or mood swing tendencies. 
  • Loss of a loved one. 

To request this service, access our Adeslas Salud y Bienestar service with your username and password.