Dental insurance 


3-year insurance and full dental coverage

We refund you 50€ when you take out your dental insurance*



Or if you prefer, call us on:


91 903 46 51

promo dental total

If you wish to smile at all hours, Adeslas DENTAL TOTAL is your insurance policy

If you are one of those that always wants to display your best healthiest smile, we present you with Adeslas DENTAL TOTAL, the dental insurance with which you can take care of your oral health for longer and at the best price.



Oral health over three years


Paying less for all dental treatments


Free services for the whole family



Calculate what you would pay for your Dental Total dental insurance.


 A new dental insurance with more advantages at Adeslas Dental Clinics  

At Adeslas Dental Clinics you have an extensive team of odontologists and the latest technical progress in odontology to take care of your oral health: general odontology, orthodontics, periodontology, root canal work, oral surgery, implant surgery, prosthodontics, odonotopaediatrics, hygiene and aesthetics.


Free choice of centre

From among more than 1,600 odontologists and over 185 Adeslas Dental Clinics with the latest technology.

Always close to you

With ample timetables to offer you the best attention.

Improve your smile

10 year commitment in implants and closed orthodontic prices.

Experience and quality

Over 30 years experience in oral health care.

Come and get to know us, whether or not you belong to Adeslas.

Request your first free appointment at your closest Adeslas Dental Clinic.


Numerous advantages

With Adeslas Dental Total customers benefit from a long-term dental plan so they can look after their oral health for many years.

Adeslas Dental Total is a novel innovative three-year insurance policy that offers total dental coverage.

  • It is aimed at those customers that need to immediately access treatments or receive long-term treatment, such as orthodontics and implantology.
  • 10% savings in all dental procedures, with respect to the Optimum scheme.
  • Free services for the whole family.


Coverage at no additional cost

Adeslas Dental Total includes 50 treatments an no additional cost, highlighting fillings, reconstructions and odontopaediatric treatments.

The remaining treatments are provided at reduced prices without price increases during the first three years.





1 insured party €379 
2 insured parties €339 
3 or more insured parties €319 

- Product with dental acts with amount paid by the insured and acts without amount paid by the insured.

- Form of payment: only advance.

- Subsidized premiums by number of insured.

- Contractable through traditional channels.

- Accept new registrations of insured in existing policies.

*Premium receipt (with taxes and surcharges included) per insured party for contracts taken out until 31/12/2023 applied until the renewal of the insurance policy.

Treatment prices

The Adeslas Dental Clinics have the best discounts on the market, guaranteeing not only an excellent service but also the best price:

Price for Dental implant treatments

Price for Orthodontic treatments​

Price for Teeth whitening​​

Clinics and odontologists

You will have access to over 1,600 odontologists and an extensive network of Adeslas Dental Clinics, which have all the specialisms and a flexible timetable for your comfort. Furthermore, you can enjoy a saving of up to 50% in your dental treatments.

Attend any of the over 185 Adeslas Dental Clinics and with your Optimum Discount policy you will always be entitled to the most competitive prices. If there is no Adeslas Dental Clinic in your province, you can choose any of those authorised professionals.

Discover the advantages of choosing an Adeslas Dental Clinic.



Insurance documentation

Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Qué significa seguro dental completo?

El seguro dental completo es un tipo de póliza de seguro de salud diseñada para cubrir una amplia gama de servicios dentales, que pueden incluir exámenes de rutina, limpiezas, tratamientos de caries, ortodoncia, prótesis dentales y otros procedimientos. Ofrece una cobertura integral para mantener una buena salud bucal.

¿Se puede deducir un seguro dental?

Sí, en muchos países, incluyendo España, puedes deducir un seguro dental en tus impuestos. Los seguros dentales suelen considerarse gastos médicos deducibles. Esto significa que puedes reducir tu base imponible y, en consecuencia, pagar menos impuestos.

¿Hay carencias en los seguros dentales de Adeslas?

No, los tratamientos son de acceso inmediato.

¿Qué es el copago en un seguro dental?

El copago es una contribución económica que el asegurado debe realizar al recibir ciertos servicios dentales. 

¿Qué tratamientos cubre Adeslas Dental Total?

Empastes, reconstrucciones, Ortodoncia Invisalign Comprehensive, odontología general, ortodoncia, periodoncia, endodoncia, cirugía oral, cirugía de implantes, prostodoncia, odontopediatría, higiene y estética.