Telephone legal advice: a solicitor will advise you and resolve all your legal doubts.
10% discount for the customers that have taken out SegurCaixa Hogar.
Possibility of choosing between two types of contracts, based on your needs.
Insurance for all members of the family unit.
How much does legal protection insurance cost?
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Basic scheme coverage:
- Legal assistance by telephone: legal advice.
- Documentary management: examination and review of the documentation relating to the consultation. The solicitors will verify the documents and will help to perfect them in the manner that best suits the rights of the insured party.
- Damage claim: claim against identified third-party regarding bodily harm and property damage to the insured party, and damage suffered as a pedestrian.
- Tax defence: defence in tax settlement or disciplinary procedures commenced by the tax authorities.
- Claim for breach of agreement on: services, goods, furniture (purchase and sale agreements, deposits, swaps, etc.) and supplies (water, gas, electricity, etc.)
- Rights relating to first home and illegal occupation, designated in the Specific Terms and Conditions as the residence of the policyholder, owned, leased or held in usufruct by them.
Complete scheme coverage:
You have the basic scheme coverage plus the following coverage:
- Separation or divorce services: refund of fees.
- Employment defence of the insured party in individual employment conflicts against the employer, legal defence in the event of an imprudence, rashness or negligence, third-party claim and claims for social benefits in lawsuits.
- Domestic service defence with respect to claims provided that the employees are registered at the social security office.
- Defence and claim of the owner in eviction processes.
- Defence and claim in the event of internet identity theft.
Coverage for processes related with trading activities is excluded.
- You will receive help in the review of your legal documentation.
- An insurance policy with which you will receive personalised quality legal protection to cover your needs and legal rights in your private and family life.
- It is an annual insurance policy with a flexible payment method: annual, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly.
- Low premium.
- Easy arrangement.
Qualifying periods
- General: in contractual conflicts, 3 months
- Separation or divorce service: 12 months
Insured capital
The insured capital per claim is €6,000 (the capital will be 50% in case of free choice of lawyer).
In the event of complete coverage: the maximum benefit for separation and divorce is €1,200 (50% for each spouse).
Internet identity theft protection
Through manipulation a page is created, for example, imitating Facebook, Twitter, Hotmail, etc. You receive a mail for this page with a link thereto. You click on the link and enter your data. They keep them and can use them to enter the real page and see your emails and manage them.
If it is the email of the company, they can see your customers and improve their conditions, thereby taking them away from you. If your customers have to make a payment, the thieves may send them an email reply and give them their account number instead of yours.
You receive a mail of a bank account or Amazon, for example, asking you to confirm or change your password and update your data. Since you enter your old password and your new password and provide your data, for example, of the card or bank account, they keep your data and can make purchases in your name.
Real estate mobbing protection
The lessee of a home integrated into an old building with a lease dating back many years. The remaining tenants have left and they are the only ones left in the building.
The owner wants to sell the building without tenants to knock it down and erect a new building. To get them to leave the building, the owner increases the rent and leases out the remaining flats to bothersome neighbours, changes the bank account number into which the tenant has been paying the rent and alleges that he has not been paid in order to commence eviction proceedings.
We solve all your doubts related to your insurance procedures or procedures. In addition, we put at your disposal a wide network of commercial attention offices to resolve your doubts in person. Find yours here