Other insurance policies 


So that you only have to worry about choosing a destination.

Medical coverage, including for COVID

*The contract must be made from the destination the day before the start of the trip

We will refund up to €100 for each new insurance*



Or if you prefer, call us on:


91 903 46 51

promo asistencia en viaje

Medical coverage: medical, pharmaceutical or hospitalisation expenses (also due to COVID-19).

Cancellation of trip, delay and other travel incidents.

Emergency healthcare repatriation.

Lost or delayed luggage.

How much does travel assistance insurance cost?

We help you to resolve all your doubts through your preferred channel.



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SegurCaixa ASISTENCIA EN VIAJE is an insurance policy aimed at covering possible travel incidents, both if they affect people and their goods.

With SegurCaixa ASISTENCIA EN VIAJE, you will have the best travel assistance on the market, with a reduced premium and a policy that will allow you to insure your whole family in the same policy.

It allows you to choose the duration of the policy, from day trips to long trips of up to six months, both within Spain and abroad. And it covers the possible incidents that may occur on a trip, related with travellers, luggage or travel delays.

Immediate arrangement with easy procedures.

Travel assistance

  • Covers all medical requirements of the insured traveller, the loss or theft of their luggage, delayed reservations and other incidents that may occur during the trip.
  • The capital arrangements for medical expenses abroad are as follows:
    • Basic: €3,000
    • Complete: €6,000
    • Premium: €20,000
    • Excellence: €50,000

Cancellation expenses

If the customer is obliged to cancel the trip in advance, they may take out this optional protection. The available capital is as follows: €300, €600 and €1,500.

Ski coverage

For ski fanatics we have optional protection adapted to your needs:

  • Crutches expenses per accident when skiing.
  • Slope expenses (rescue on the slopes).
  • Refund of ski pass and skiing materials.
  • Refund of ambulance expenses.

COVID-19 coverage

Also, now, SegurCaixa ASISTENCIA EN VIAJE offers you coverage in the event of COVID-19:

  • Medical, pharmaceutical or hospitalisation expenses in the event of COVID-19 once the trip has commenced
  • Cancellation of flight by the airline.
  • Trip cancellation due to the death or hospitalisation of the insured party (optional protection).
  • Healthcare transfer and repatriation.


We solve all your doubts related to your insurance procedures or procedures. In addition, we put at your disposal a wide network of commercial attention offices to resolve your doubts in person. Find yours here


*Consult the promotion conditions


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