The chiropodist is the medical professional that specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of feet and ankle problems.
In your Healthcare Provider List you can filter your query by a specialist in chiropody or by the specialism itself, taking as a result the list of professionals or centres that include them. Once you have located your selection, you can request an appointment by following the steps in the request appointment.
You can enjoy this service in our Adeslas Go, Adeslas Plena, Adeslas Plena Vital, Adeslas Plena Extra 150, Adeslas Seniors or Adeslas Negocios policies, among others.
In all of them you have healthcare coverage with a chiropody service up to 12 sessions a year, together with physiotherapy, rehabilitation and chiropody through the Expense Refund System: the insurer guarantees the refund of healthcare expenses (200 euros), defrayed by the insured party upon receiving the service, in Spain and through doctors or healthcare professionals not included on the insurer's healthcare provider lists.