Biomechanical walking studies and chiropody insoles

SegurCaixa Adeslas offers the biomechanical chiropody service through an agreement reached with Podoactiva, leading company in the area of chiropody and biomechanics, through its over 100 clinics distributed throughout the whole territory.

Types of services included:

  • Biomechanical walking study (exploration on a stretcher, arch footprint and distribution analysis, filming of walking, running analysis, study of pressure with sensorised insoles and cinematic study).
  • Personalised insoles. Design and manufacture of personalised insoles with exclusive materials.

Functioning of the service:

  1. The insured party directly contacts the Podoactiva centres offered on this website.
  2. It is essential to identify yourself as an insured party of SegurCaixa Adeslas by using your health card.
  3. Podoactiva informs you of the prices and discounts of each service, since you are a preferential customer.
  4. The insured party pays directly at the centre.

Advantages and price of the services:

Podoactiva offers an extensive list of specialised chiropody centres, with an exclusive discount for Adeslas patients of 50% on biomechanical studies and of 10% on insoles.