I’m an Adeslas customer

If you have already taken out your insurance policy, you can benefit from all the advantages of managing it online. Hence, you will only need to register in the Customer Area of the website. It is very easy - below we will show you step by step, together with the most frequent doubts. You will also find the response to certain doubts regarding the Adeslas healthcare provider list and all the procedures that you can perform in your Customer Area: request an authorisation, modify the personal details of your insurance policy, consult receipts and payments, request refunds, access video-consultation and tele-consultation services and other medical care virtual means or request an appointment online.

What procedures can I carry out in my customer area?

What procedures can I carry out in my customer area?

On accessing your private area you can carry out the following procedures:

  • Consult information relating to your insurance policy
  • Consult and modify your personal details
  • Consult and modify your bank details
  • Consult your complements
  • Manage the beneficiaries of your insurance policy
  • Request a duplicate card
  • Consult receipts and payments
  • Consult copayment receipts
  • Carry out authorisation requests
  • Make refund requests
  • Save and administer your favourite doctors
  • See your visits to the doctor
  • Access online medical advice service
  • Access medical coordination services in serious cases
  • Search for doctors and centres
  • Search for Adeslas dental clinics
  • Request appointments online for Medical Centres
  • Identification through the digital card.

How to request an appointment online

After performing the search on our healthcare provider list and using the filters in the upper section, you can filter the results by centres with online appointments. Once you have selected the medical centre, you must click on “request an appointment” and continue with the appointment procedure.

How can I know what insurance policy I have taken out?

If you want to know which insurance policy you have taken out, you only have to access your Customer Area and, in the left-hand side menu, click on Your insurance > Summary. Next your policies will be displayed and, on the lower part of the screen, all documentation relating to the policy selected will appear in PDF format.

Aside from my health insurance policy, I have taken out other insurance policies. Where can I view them?

From the Customer Area of the website, you can consult all the health and dental insurance policies that you have taken out.

Can I contact a doctor by video-consultation or tele-consultation?

You can talk to your doctor virtually, by video-consultation or tele-consultationHere we explain it to you step by step so that you can request your appointment.

What are the conditions of the virtual, e-consultation or online consultation medical appointments?

Giving the ongoing changes in new information and communication technologies (ICTs), which enable new forms of social and professional interaction, e-consultation, from video conferences, remote assistance, telephone assistance or other means, are tools with an extraordinary value which, with an adequate and appropriate use in each case and situation, may serve to help patients.

Telemedicine provides greater accessibility to certain medical services, which the patient could not access in other circumstances. Hence, at Adeslas, we have implemented telemedicine services that extend the healthcare offering to you.

They have been increasingly used in procedures which, although they could be carried out face-to-face, are more convenient or efficient if performed virtually. For example, the consultation between primary care doctors and other specialists, the electronic prescription, the processing or monitoring of non-urgent ordinary processes (such as x-ray diagnosis or second opinion appointments) and chronic care patients.

The telematic means that we have provided to you currently significantly increase the possibility of access to healthcare assistance both by patients in the acute phase of their illness and in continued care medicine.

When you request this service, the doctor will consider the limits of such care at all times and will provide a face-to-face appointment in the event of any doubts

These services should not be used in the event of an emergency.

For further information, click here.

I want to modify my personal details

It is very easy. You only have to enter your Customer Area and, in the left-hand side menu, access Your insurance > Personal details.  In the central part, your policy selected by default will be displayed, and a bit lower down, a link entitled Modify data. Modify the editable boxes that you wish and click on Continue. Remember that to confirm the amendment of the data you must confirm the operation with the security code that we will send to you by the method chosen by you: SMS or e-mail.

How can I modify my bank details?

Access your Customer Area, and, in the left-hand menu, you will see Your insurance > Bank details. In the central part, your policy selected by default will be displayed. Click on Modify data to edit and save it. Remember that to confirm the amendment of the data you must confirm the operation with the security code that we will send to you by the method chosen by you: SMS or e-mail.

Can I request a duplicate card?

Yes you can! You only have to enter your Customer Area and, in the left-hand side menu, access Your insurance policies > Duplicate card. In the central part, your policy selected by default will be displayed, and a bit lower down, the card resend options. Remember that to confirm the sending of the card you must confirm the operation with the security code that we will send to you by the method chosen by you: SMS or e-mail. It’s that easy!

How can I manage the beneficiaries of my insurance policy?

Enter your Customer Area and, in the left-hand menu, access Your insurance policies > Beneficiaries. On this page you can modify the details of the beneficiary selected or add a correct one. Remember that to confirm the processing of the management of beneficiaries you must use the security code that we will send to you by the method chosen by you: SMS or email.

Do I have emergency coverage abroad?

For greater information on emergency coverage abroad, you can contact our Customer Services Department on 900 50 50 40.

I need online medical advice. Do you have such a service?

Yes, you have an online medical advice service. To access it you only have to log in to your Customer Area and access Medical Services > Medical advice. Select the option that your prefer to contact one of our doctors (telephone, video call or online form). You can plan an appointment or send your queries, as well as see your scheduled appointments or queries sent.

You also have the tele-consultation or video-consultation service available with the doctor that you choose and which has this option. We explain how here.

I am looking for an Adeslas Dental clinic. How can I find one?

We have over 185 dental clinics. Find yours at the following link.

How can I consult the state of my co-payments?

You can access your co-payments through your Customer Area. If you do not agree or do not recognise having received any treatment and the copayment received, contact us on 900 50 50 40.

Remember that if you have taken out your policy through the banking channel, you can consult the information on your co-payments through the CaixaNow App.

How can I consult the status of my receipts?

Access your Customer Area and in the left-hand menu select Receipts and payments > Receipts and payments.

How can I pay a receipt?

To pay a receipt by card, you can contact our customer services department on 900 50 50 40. If you wish to pay by another method, you must attend one of our offices.

How to find our customer services offices?

You can consult the customer services points here.

Adeslas Digital Card

What is the digital card?

Your digital card is the solution that we have created so that you can take your Adeslas Health Insurance card with you at all times, even if you do not have your physical card at the time. Now with your mobile telephone, from
the App or from the website, you can access it and use it to identify yourself when you attend a medical centre. It supplements your physical card, so you can use it if you forget or lose your physical card.

Where can I find my digital card?

  • If you access from the Adeslas Salud y Bienestar App, you will find the “Digital Card” option on the main page or in the “My policy management” section in the side menu. You can also access by clicking here.
  • If you access from your Customer Area, you will find the “Digital Card” option in the side menu. To be able to use your digital card, you must gain access from your mobile telephone or tablet.

How do I use my digital card?

  • When you attend a medical appointment or want to make use of virtual healthcare services, access your digital card from your mobile telephone in your App Adeslas Salud y Bienestar or from your Customer Area.
  • Once you have gained access, choose the card of the insured party’s policy that you require. Once you have selected the card, click on Generate booking reference.
  • A 6-digit code will appear, which you must provide to the professional that will attend to you at the medical centre to identify yourself and begin your appointment.
  • If you have any doubts, in this vídeo we explain how to use your digital card step by step

Can I have the digital card of another insured party on my policy?

Yes, you can find the digital card of all the insured parties of the policy to access it from your mobile telephone. If there is more than one insured party on your policy, in the Digital Card section you will find a dropdown menu from which you can select the name of the insured party that you wish.

How can I request a duplicate card?

You can request a duplicate card through the App Adeslas Salud y Bienestar  or in your Customer Area.

Remember that if you do not have your physical card, you can access your digital card from your mobile telephone at any time.

How can I register?

Why should I register in the Customer Services Area?

On registering in your Customer Areayou will gain access to a personal space in which you can make numerous dealings relating to your health insurance policy. You will avoid unnecessary displacements and you will save time.

How can I register in my Customer Area?

Registering is very easy: you only have to click here and then follow the steps indicated on the screen. Remember that you should have your Adeslas card and your National ID Card at hand. You will only have to carry out this process once.

On registering, error messages appear. What should I do?

Revise the data that you are introducing. You must enter numeric characters but never the name of the policy. Check that no digits are missing, nor that hyphens, bars or asterisks are not included

Each insured party in the policy must register with their Tax ID Number and policy details, provided that they have a different personal email account.

If the problem persists, contact us on 900 50 50 40.

I have forgotten my password. How can I recover it?

Do not worry, click here, and select the “Have you forgotten your password?” option, which you will see under the log on button. We will ask you to enter the National ID Card, passport or residence permit number with which you registered. We will send you an email with a link so that you can change your password and access your account.

If you have problems receiving your email, verify that the identity document provided is correct. If the problems persist, contact us through our chat during the process.

What shall I do if I cannot access my account?

Since you have entered your password incorrectly on several occasions, your account will be blocked for security reasons. If you cannot remember your password, you can retrieve it here, by selecting the option “Have you forgotten your password?”.

I cannot register. What do I have to do?

  • Remember to wait 72 hours from the arrangement of your insurance policy to be able to register correctly.
  • Fill in your details and select the type of insurance policy: Health, dental, car insurance, etc.
  • Depending on the type of insurance policy, we will request some additional details: If you have a health insurance policy, we will request your card or policy number. If you have a car insurance policy, we will request your registration number or file.
  • Choose the document with which you wish to register, using your National ID Card, Foreigner ID Card or passport.
  • If you register with your National ID No., you must enter the number with eight digits (placing a 0 –zero- in front, when necessary). Remember to also include the letter.
  • We will request an email address to complete the registration. Your email address cannot have been used by another registered user.
  • If you continue to have problems registering, you can use the chat in the lower part of the registration screen, or the chat will be activated automatically in the event of an error.

I cannot access the portal and I have already registered. What do I have to do?

Remember to review your e-mail in-tray and access through the activation link of your account.

If the problem persists, contact us on 900 50 50 40.

I have requested the password reminder and it has not arrived. What can I do?

You may be entering a different e-mail to that which you used in your registration. Please check it. If it is correct, check your spam tray.

If the problem persists, contact us on 900 50 50 40.

Why can I not register my child (minor) if I’m the policyholder?

In the policies in which the only insured party is a minor (despite the fact that the policyholder is an adult), it is not possible to register them.

How can I access the healthcare provider list?

What is the healthcare provider list?

The healthcare provider list is a group of medical professionals and centres provided by Adeslas should you need to make use of your health insurance.

Do I need to be an insured party of Adeslas to use the healthcare provider list?

Yes, to be able to use our medical services and visit professionals under special conditions, you must have an Adeslas health insurance policy.

How do I know which healthcare provider list I have?

Knowing which is your healthcare provider list is very easy and you have two ways to finding out:

  • Access your Customer Area where you can find your personalised healthcare provider list in the left-hand side menu.
  • You can also consult the Healthcare Provider List without identifying yourself as a customer, by accessing from the Healthcare Provider List icon situated in the top right-hand corner

If you continue not to be able to register, you can use the chat that we offer you at the time of the error or by using the chat situated in the lower right-hand corner that you will see during the registration process.

If the problem persists, you can chat with us here (include the PRE Chat SF access call)

    How can I search through the healthcare provider list?

    Looking for a professional or centre on your healthcare provider list is very easy - you only have to access the Healthcare Provider List of the Customer Area and complete the following steps:

    • Select the address close to where you want to go to the doctor
    • Select the type of policy that you have
    • Choose the type of healthcare provider list in which you wish to search (health, dental or complementary services)
    • Select the specialism/test or treatment
    • You can include the Name of the Centre (Optional) in your search

    What must I do in the event of an emergency?

    If you do not have time and need to be attended to immediately, press the EMERGENCY button that you will find in the upper part of the healthcare provider list.

    Select the different options below:

    • Select the address close to where you want to go to the doctor
    • Select the type of policy that you have
    • Choose the type of healthcare provider list in which you wish to search (health, dental)
    • Select the specialism

    The results will include the Emergency Departments that you can attend.

    What must I do if I have a problem abroad?

    Insured parties can call the telephone number that appears on their health card requesting help from the date of the incident (they may reverse the cost of the call).

    24-hour care: +34 91 745 32 80

    What are Adeslas Medical Centers?

    These are the Adeslas Medical Centres that provide the insured with personalised and exclusive care. Here you will find a great team of health care professionals and the technology to carry out diagnostic tests, as well as health care related programmes. To find out more about us, click here.


    How can I receive authorisation?

    Making an authorization request is very simple. Access the Authorizations section from your Client Area or from the Adeslas Salud y Bienestar app > My procedures > Authorizations.

    Click on the Request an authorization button to start the process and in just 3 steps and with a photo you will be able to send your request in a simple way.

    If you have any doubts, the following video will be of help to you.

    I have requested an authorisation. How can I find out the status and response time?

    The company's standard response time is 48 working hours. If you have not received any response after the deadline, you can contact us at 900 50 50 40


    How can I obtain a refund?

    To receive a refund, access your Customer Area and go to the Refunds section. 

    You can also request it through the Adeslas Salud y Bienestar app, by accessing My dealings > Refunds.

    You only have to follow the steps that we will show to you on the screen and fill in the information requested by us.

    Please click here if you have any doubts about how to request a refund.

    How can I follow up a refund?

    Once you have sent the refund request, you can monitor its progress in your Customer Area in the Refund section or through the Adeslas Salud y Bienestar app under My dealings > Refunds.

    Furthermore, now, with the Adeslas Salud y Bienestar app, you will receive a push notification in your telephone when there is a change in the status of your refund. You can also consult your notifications in the Customer Area of Adeslas’s web page, in the top right-hand corner, by clicking on the envelope icon. If you have pending notifications, you will be informed with a notice in red.

    You can consult the details of your refund by clicking directly on the desired notification.