Death insurance 


An insurance policy that offers the peace of mind that you need in the most difficult moments with different coverage.

Extensive coverage and easy arrangement

We will refund up to €100 for each new insurance*



Or if you prefer, call us on:


91 903 46 51

promo decesos

Coberturas del Seguro de Decesos Todo Previsto

SegurCaixa Adeslas TODO PREVISTO es el seguro de decesos más completo, con extraordinarias coberturas, para que tengas máxima tranquilidad y cero preocupaciones en el pago de los gastos derivados de un fallecimiento. Es de contratación sencilla y permite liberar y planificar todos los trámites necesarios en esta ardua tarea.


Comprehensive funeral service

Handling of documentation and legal advisory services

Full psychological assistance

Accident coverage

How much does death insurance cost?

We help you to resolve all your doubts through your preferred channel.



In-person care at our offices

Use the office search function to find contact details. We have over 200 offices to be close to you.


SegurCaixa TODO PREVISTO DECESOS is a product with extensive coverage that is easy to take out, which seeks to provide our customers with the peace of mind of not having any concerns and freeing family members from procedures following a death.

  • Funeral service: includes all services inherent to the funeral to provide quality coverage (car, funeral ark, funeral parlour, etc.).
  • Special funeral service: guarantees the provision of a special service in the event of the death of the children of the insured parties, if they die during pregnancy.
  • Customer Services 24h /365 days: contact telephone no. 902 300 343
  • Agency procedures: obtainment of documents for processing from the corresponding body (up to the limit of €3,000): death and last will and testament certificates, birth and marriage certificates, request and processing of widow, orphan, retirement or incapacity and invalidity pensions.
  • National and international transfer of the deceased, limited to trips of less than 60 days abroad.
  • Compensation for accidental death: accident protection only covers the policyholder up to €6,000, provided that the insured party is under 70 years.
  • Travel assistance: so that you feel safe when you are travelling, travel assistance abroad, which we complement with international transfer coverage.
  • Medical advice: a team of professional doctors available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, which will offer you the medical guidance that you need.
  • Second medical opinion: if required, a second assessment can be requested in terms of diagnoses or treatments, without the need to leave your home.
  • Family life legal advisory services: 24H legal assistance service, telephone legal assistance/legal advice, preparation and review of contracts, access to the network of offices and solicitors.
  • Support pack: includes the telephone psychological advice, mourning management and nutritional advice services.

Optional coverage

  • DNA pack: extraction, conservation and availability of the DNA of the deceased for clinical genetic or forensic purposes over ten years.
  • Grant pack: we compensate, in terms of study grants and with a monthly amount, the beneficiaries appointed in the policy, in the event of the accidental death of the adult insured under this policy, over a maximum period of ten years.

Insurance documentation


We solve all your doubts related to your insurance procedures or procedures. In addition, we put at your disposal a wide network of commercial attention offices to resolve your doubts in person. Find yours here



Preguntas frecuentes

¿Se puede fraccionar el pago del seguro de decesos?

Sí, es posible fraccionar el pago del seguro de decesos. Según necesidades, se puede realizar de forma semestral, trimestral o mensual.

¿Quién puede contratar el seguro de decesos?

Todas las personas pueden contratar un seguro de decesos. Es verdad que, a mayor edad, entonces, mayor será la prima final. Consulta en Adeslas los diversos tipos de seguros de decesos existentes según tu necesidad.

¿Cuál es el teléfono de asistencia en fallecimiento?

SegurCaixa Adeslas ofrece un servicio de atención 24h/365 días a través del teléfono de contacto 911 259 836

*Consult the promotion conditions