Adeslas medical directory

Adeslas Healthcare Provider List for
Cuadro médico general
Specialty, professional or centre

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Frequently asked questions

What is the Healthcare Provider list?

The Healthcare Provider list is the set of professionals and medical centers that Adeslas makes available to you in the event that you need to make use of your health insurance.

How to search the Healthcare Provider list?

Searching the Healthcare Provider list is very simple, you will only need to inform two things:

  • The area where you want to go to the doctor (address, zip code, or province)
  • The specialty and/or the professional or center where you want to visit
In the results you will see the list of all the professionals and centres according to your search criteria. You can switch from Listing view to Map view by simply pressing the button at the top enabled for this purpose.

How do I know what medical condition I have?

Once you access the Healthcare Provider list, the results of the searches you carry out will show you The professionals/centres associated with your medical staff. If you are the policyholder, you will be able to choose the insured person on whom to carry out the search.

What to do in case of emergency?

If you don't have time and need to be seen immediately, click on the Medical Emergencies tab that you will find at the top of the Healthcare Provider list and you will be shown the emergency telephone numbers you can call.

Also from this tab you can search for an emergency service to go to, for this you only have to inform:

  • The area you want to search in (address, zip code, or province)
  • The specialty associated with the service for which you need to be treated

What should I do if I have a problem abroad?

As an insured person, you can call the telephone number that appears on your health card, requesting intervention from the moment of the event (it can be done on a collect charge).

24-hour service: +34 91 745 32 80.

What are the conditions of the non-face-to-face medical consultation, e-consultation or online consultation?

Given the permanent evolution of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) that enable new forms of social and professional interaction, e-consultation, from videoconferencing, telecare, telephony or other means, are tools of extraordinary value that, with an appropriate and appropriate use in each case and situation, can help you.

Telemedicine brings greater accessibility to certain medical services, which you would not be able to access in other circumstances. Thus, at Adeslas, we have developed telemedicine services that expand the healthcare offer.

There is an increasing use in procedures that, although they could be carried out in person, it is more convenient or efficient to do so telematically.vFor example, consultation between primary care doctors and other specialists, electronic prescriptions, treatment or monitoring of ordinary non-urgent processes (such as radiological diagnosis, or second opinion consultations) and care for chronic patients.

The telematic means that we have currently made available to you significantly increase the possibilities of accessing health care both for patients in the acute phase of their disease, and in continuity of care medicine.

When you request this service, the doctor will consider the limits of this care at all times and will resort to a face-to-face consultation if you have the slightest doubt.

These services should not be used in an emergency.

For more information you can consult here

How do I identify myself at the medical center?

When you go to the medical centre you must identify yourself with your DNI, NIE or passport and your Adeslas health card. You can show your physical card or also, from your mobile, your digital card. You can access your digital card from your Adeslas Health and Wellbeing App.

How do I use the digital card?

  • If you access from the Adeslas Health and Wellbeing App, you will find the "Digital Card" option on the home page or in the "My procedures" section of the side menu. You can also access by clicking here
  • Select your card or that of the insured of the policy to be attended and click Generate locator.
  • A 6-digit code will appear that you must provide to the professional who treats you at the medical center to identify yourself and start your consultation.

What are Adeslas Medical Centres?

These are the Medical Centres that Adeslas puts at the service of the insured, offering personalised and exclusive care. In them you will find a great team of health professionals and the technology to perform diagnostic tests, as well as programs related to health care. To get to know us, click here

How can I adjust my search results?

By clicking on the Filters button at the top of the Results page you can adjust and narrow the results of your search according to your preferences. In addition, by accessing the Map view from that same Results page you will have a view of the location of the professionals/centers and you will be able to easily move over the map to adjust your search.